Friday, July 19, 2019

Pollution Essay: Effects of Global Warming :: Climate Change

An issue that has been stirring up controversy all over the news and in the current presidential debate is global warming. The effects have been seen all over the world and global warming is quickly becoming a major topic of concern. Global warming is the increase of the earth’s temperature. When the earth’s temperature increases, we have a climate change. When this climate change occurs, so do the changes in the sea level, rainfall, wildlife, and this obviously affects humans. (Globalwarming) It is caused by the release of carbon dioxide also known as Co2. Carbon dioxide is released by the use of man made fossil fuels, such as oil, coal and naturals gasses. Co2 traps heat inside the earth’s atmosphere that would usually be in outer space, which causes the Greenhouse Effect. As the earth’s surface heats it becomes too warm to live in and many people, animals and plants will suffer. (EPA) The earth’s temperature naturally changes over the years, but over the last half of century, the record high temperatures drastically increased. Scientists have even warned us that in the last ten years we have had record high temperatures, which means the average temperatures in the United States could increase up to nine degrees. (NDRC) A major result of global warming that I have noticed by living in Florida is that it is making the hurricanes stronger and more treacherous. Every year, Florida gets hit by hurricanes and tropical storms, but during the last five years the damages have really increased. There has been lots of damage done to my home and neighborhood. As a resident of Florida, I have to take more precautions when these storms hit, because I never know how strong they can become. We have had our roof blown off, flood damage and trees falling over in our home. Global warming makes the ocean water warmer, which makes the storms much more powerful. They can easily jump from a category 2 to a category 4 storm. Again, there has been lots of damage done to my home and my neighborhood. (NDRC) Another frightening effect of Global warming is the rising of the sea levels. Scientists have discovered that this could eventually lead to coastal flooding. Areas in the United States that could be heavily affected are all of the eastern sea board, areas of Gulf of Mexico, and almost all of Florida.

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